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Is It Time to Make a New Ghost Theme?
Hi 👋 I'm Ryan
I write, build, and think about the web.
Some Many of my ideas turn out to be wrong—but I'm not alone. That's why I'm a Developer Advocate at GrowthBook, to make it easier to test those ideas via experimentation 🆎
Before that, I worked at Ghost, helping independent journalists get their ideas online—because some ideas do deserve a platform.
The ideas that scare me the most come from my coding companion, Mel. Do not give this dog a platform 🙅
If you have any idea what I'm on about, go ahead and smash that subscribe button (or just click it politely). Let’s build something weird and wonderful.

A Guide to Image Optimization on the Web

When Worlds Collide: Philosophy & Code

Make Sharing Seamless with This Customizable Share Button

Create a music player with the YouTube iframe API

The Browser Is Dull: Understanding Color Space on the Web
Problems are the solution
Hot Blooded
New Constellations
0:00 2:33Build and Deploy with GitHub Actions
Let the machines take the wheel with GitHub Actions. Push an update to your Ghost theme and then see it automatically built and deployed, anywhere and everywhere.
Reading List
How to write exceptional documentation
Writing high-quality developer documentation is a challenging task. This is my personal approach to crafting holistic, comprehensive documentation.
Community managers in action: Leading a developer community for good
GitHub’s Digital Public Goods Open Source Community Manager Program just wrapped up a second successful year, helping Community Managers gain experience in using open source for good.
Just Some Tips Anyone Can Use to Level Up Their Design Game
Below is a cleaned up transcript of a talk I recently gave at work to an audience of mostly developers. I used Claude (Opus) to clean up the transcript and have edited out some sections due to discussions of our internal systems. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the very succinctly titled,
On medium-sized questions in neuroscience
Featuring sensory substitution, fading percepts, and hyperacuity
Why Kant Wouldn't Fear ChatGPT-4 | Time
A key aspect of how we think separates us from even the most advanced AI
Carl Linnaeus and the Perilous Project of Labelling All of Life | The New Yorker
He sorted and systematized and coined names for more than twelve thousand species. What do you call someone like that?